My ornate bichir adds an attraction to my tank.
Marbled bichir tank mates.
Ornatipinnis marbled bichir p.
Palmas and senegal bichir or gray bichir p.
Bichirs are nocturnal so a lot of their activity will occur at night.
I keep the water at eighty degrees fahrenheit and the lighting at medium.
Delhezi ornate bichir p.
They usually do well with larger fish so think oscars blood parrots flowerhorns large barbs knifefish medium and large catfish and large peaceful african cichlids.
As we ve said these fish can be aggressive and are naturally carnivores.
Proper tank mates for the albino senegal bichir should be large enough to not be considered food anything small enough to fit in their mouth but not so aggressive that they will harass the bichir.
In this video i m going to talk about 7 most suitable tank mates for bichir fish in this video i mentioned these are 7 aquarium fish as a tank mates for bich.
The beaches are quite slow so quickly active tank companions can have some problems stealing their food.
Some of the best tank mates for these fish include the african knife silver dollar and oscar fish.
Bichirs need a good amount of protein in their diet on a daily basis.
As we mentioned above it is not a good idea to keep small fish with bichirs.
They usually work well with larger fish so think of the oscars blood parrot flowerhorns big barbies knifefish medium and large catfish and the greater peaceful african cichlids.
Albino senegal bichir are adept at finding their way out of aquariums and onto the floor thus a tight fitting aquarium cover is needed.
I keep the water neutral a ph of 7 0.
Bichir fish originate from africa where they inhabit freshwater basins.
There are around 14 genuses of the fish including the ornate bichir marbled bichir and senegal bichir.
Since an ancient fish is supposed to look ancient fishes body looks quite archaic.
Finding compatible bichir tank mates is all about managing size and potential for aggression.
The tank is pretty barren it consists of gravel stones and driftwood.
The fish skeleton resembles that of a shark and it is not made from bones but.
Bichirs aren t picky eaters i feed mine earthworms crickets mealworms goldfish guppies and beef heart.
These fish are quite good tank mates providing the fish you put in the tank don t fit into their mouth.